Membaca berarti membuka jendela dunia... Banyak membaca berati banyak ilmu.. Banyak ilmu berarti banyak tahu... Tahu bagaimana cara memandang dan menjalani kehidupan ini... Hidup adalah bekerja keras, keajaiban tidak akan datang begitu saja. Allah tidak akan merubah keadaan suatu kaum kecuali kaum itu sendiri yang merubahnya, apa yang harus dirubah? Yang harus dirubah adalah apa yang ada didalam diri mereka sendiri, yaitu state of mind and role of thinking->Bagaimana cara kita berpikir, Cara kita memandang kehidupan, dan Cara kita mengatasi persoalan.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Oleh: Ari Susanto
(Makalah s1-ku)
Life deals with feelings, ideas, experiences, passions and imaginations. Since literature directly derives from human life, it can increase our knowledge and experience about humans’ problem. After reading literary work, we may get certain impression of what we have read.
The most important things for the teacher are how to make the students interested in their lesson in order to get a great power to study hard. In this case, the teacher’s role is very influence to make the student is not boring in many activities when the activity is continuous in the classroom and the teacher must be able to rise potency up of the student himself. One of the ways how to get that thing, the teacher must be smart what activity and material are suitable and can make the student is motivated when they join in teacher’s classroom. In this, literature can answers for all of question about student’s motivation because literature can helps humans/student to understand human’s sentiments, human’s interest, human problems, etc. Henry W. Hudson (1965) said that, literature is a vital recode of what men have seen in life, what they have experienced of it, what they thought and felt about those aspect of it which he most immediate and enduring interest for all of us. Through the works of literature, we can observe, analyze or consider whether the actions which have been done by the characters in the stories are favorable or not.
Here, we choose a short story as a source in learning teaching activity. The title of short stories that we will choose is “my son”. This story told us a struggle of child in the village to get the high education and can make the young generations in his village have knowledge and young generations can think that how important the education for them is. We think that this short story can give student to be more give attention on their lesson, because this short story can be understood easily by student, so that the student interested to read everything about short story. Not only the student can get more information on it but also the student can get the experience of the actor on the story itself. So they do not give up reaching their grief and also they will always involve their ability by doing reading anything. In this study is hoped that this study will enrich the understanding about student in literary works. The choice of short story “my son” by Joker takes from Dimensi Magazine (12th edition: 2006).
Human being believes that if we want to be success in the world “don’t think to be the best but think to do the best whenever we live we will get everything that we want” from that wish word we can assume that the successful of our student is not depend on the teacher but how far the teacher can stimulate the student motivated to read and to learn everything.
In this paper the writer will discuss teaching English by using short story at junior high school at second grade. It will make student interest and enjoyable join in English classroom.

2.1 Definition of literature
One way is to define “literature” as everything in print. Another way of defining literature is to limit it to “great books” books which, whatever their subject, are “notable for literary form or expression”. Here the criterion is either aesthetic worth in combination with general intellectual distinction.
According to Jean Paul Sartre in Hamidin’s book (2007:4) mentions that literature must be related with ”(beautiful writing)”. Consequently, some people I general define literature as the expression thoughts and ideas in a beautiful thought and ideas in a beautiful language. Even though this definition is not always true and it too hard to give a clear definition of the word beautiful, since the meaning of beautiful is difficult to explain. The main point of the statement above that we cannot explain the word beautiful because it related to our feeling, imagination and whatever that we think the language is beautiful; of all of them depend on our mind because our mind can perceive it only.
Literature also has social function, “use” which cannot purely individual. In wellek (19:94) we know a large majority of the question raised by literary study: question of tradition and conservation norm, and genres, symbol and myths. (wellek 1962:94) sees the following factor that can show how far literature is actually determined by or dependent on its social setting, on social change and development.
1.      The sociology of the writer, the things that are described in this factor is the economic position, the social provenance and the family background of the writer.
2.      The social contents of the words themselves. Here it can be seen how the content and the objective of the word of literatures, or everything implicit that has to do with social problems.
3.      The influence of literature on society. This has to do what the reader’s problem and social effect as the result of the work.
As Richard Hoggart in a teeuw (1988:237) states that “Good literature recreates the sense of life, is weight and texture. It recreates the experimental wholeness of life, of the life emotion, the object-laden word. It creates these thongs all together and interpenetrating, as they do in the life of our selves”. In this case the student also can understand the aspect of good literature. By using literature in teaching English can make student interest in learning English. Also it can make the student enjoyable in learning English well.
2.2 Why do we study literature?
Hamiddin (2007:8) states that “Literature works are written to read. Literary works like poem, novel, short story and plays are interesting to read. We will not only get enjoyment, but we also will be brought into large, close, and fresh relation to life. Really, what has been written in the literary books is writer’s experience or others and the literary works may even be imaginative experience”. In this case, literary works is one of the most important things to improve the student’s knowledge. In addition, the students can learn everything about literary and also they can get or learn of other people’s experience.
2.3. Why do we study foreign language?
Hamidin also said in his book (2007:8) that, “By reading the literature of other nation, our understanding of the world depends, also our sense of humanity and interrelationship increase. We learn that other people living in distant places under different climatic and cultural conditions may have human problem, human aspiration that similar to ours. On the other hand, we may also learn new emotion, new values, which we would never have realized if we had remained out of touch with foreign literature”. Actually, the statements above give us the explanation clearly about how important to learn foreign language. But if we cannot realize about the important of learning foreign language especially in English, it is too difficult for us to improve our knowledge, because as we know that most of literature that we have found is written in English.

            There are some important things, that we need keep attention in teaching English for the student. As we know that most of student dislike learning English. In this case, as a teacher must know how to increase the student’s interest in learning English. Teaching English by using literature can be motivated student to learn English gladly.
3.1  Material   
Here the writer takes short story as a source in teaching English. The writer believes that teaching by using short story which is understood easily by student can make the student interest in teaching English. Moreover, the student can get some values, morals and experiences from this story.
3.2 Text of Short Story
“My Son”
Tedjo!!! Oh what the heel are you doing?! Mr. jotho , tedjo’s father surprising tedjo, and make his books fall from his hand. Why do you always doing something useless like that?! Don’t you feel ashamed? All of your friends work at the field. And why you are not?!” mr. jotho is really angry right now.
“I am sorry dad.” Said Tedjo he just take bow his head, and keeps watching the grass on his feet.
 “go home now, or never!” snap mr. jotho. Fell guilty, tedjo following his father to go home. Actually it is not the first time mr. jotho angry to tedjo caused reading. Tedji is very smart boy, and he loves reading. He read everything, and he read in every place. But, the real problem is, tedjo live in the village. That is the place that cant found supermarket, internet, and computer. Surround by the mountains, and wide field rice. There is only one high school with less facility, and some student, wih tedjo as the star of that school.
“ tedjo, my son … ” said mr. jotho this night. I really have no idea about your behavior. So I want you to be like the other boys. Work hard at field rice.”
“Dad don’t you remember that I alays help you? Dnot act like I never work at the field rice like that.” Said tedjo. The situation is getting tense.
“Okay, I will be honest.” Mr. jotho takes a deep breath. “I don’t like to see you reading a book.” Well, there are still many things that you can do besides reading” “But I like it, I just want to use my spare time to do something useful” Said tedjo tardy.
“Useful? Tedjo, don’t you realize? We are just villager. And the only thing that useful is working at field rice.” Said Mr. jotho starting angry.
“Yeah, I know we are just villager. But I have dream, Dad. Don’t you know? I want to be a teacher; I will make every people here smart.” Said tedjo afraid.
“Hah, how dare you” Mr. jotho is really angry right now. His face turn into purple, because he very angry and speechless.
“Dad , I know we are just villager, but it doesn’t mean that I cannot reach my dream. I hope you understand.” Said tedjo. He walks away into his room leaving his father alone and confused.
This night Mr. jotho cannot sleep as well. He still thinks about his conversation with tedjo. Its only a few month before tedjo graduation. He just thinks about tedjo’s future and tedjo’s happiness.
And here he is. A baccalaureate wear toga, with happy face and nice smile. Stand beside his father who smiles proudly. Tedjo is ready to go home now, to his small village. But not to e farmer that just works hard at the field rice. He will be a great teacher for young generation in his village. He will bring knowledge and get away from stupidly.
At least Mr. Jotho realized that his son had his own life, and no one can rule it. Besides that, he is really proud of Tedjo that has a very kindhearted dream. In his heart, Mr. Jotho wonder, what will happen if he did the same thing with tedjo in the past?
“Thank you Dad…” said Tedjo. “I don’t know what…”
“Emm…!” said Mr. Jotho. “Thank is not enough!” he pretends to be angry. Tedjo looks at his father, fells counfused
“You still have a moral duty to me.” Said Mr. Jotho.
“Wha… what’s that?” Asked Tedjo Curiously.
“You must prove it to me, that you are very a great teacher.” Said Mr Jotho smilling.
Tedjo smile with all of his heart. This is a big day of his live.his heart is warm and hopefully. Now he can feel the wind flies high his dream, and he flies to reach it back. Now is really the dream comes true…
“Tejdo, my son …, I am so proud of you more than everything else. You are not my hope. But… you are hope”

3.3 Teaching and Learning Language
Tricia Hedge (2000) states that teaching and learning in the language classroom is aimed primarily at language teachers with some experience, and though it could be very useful for teachers to explore on their own, its main use is likely to be as a core textbook on in-service training courses. Throughout, it encourages teachers to reflect on issues in language teaching and learning on the basis of their own experience. Each chapter begins with an "introductory task" which focuses thought on the area to be considered and which in most cases invites teachers to identify aspects of their current ideas and practice on the issue. Similarly, the penultimate section of each chapter is a considerable list of "discussion topics and projects", many of which are based on examples of teaching materials. These activities are likely to be most profitable when carried out in groups, and the most obvious way in which to exploit them is on a formal training course.
3.4 To Teach Reading
Jeremy Harmer (1998:68) states that reading texts provide opportunities to study language: vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and the way we construct sentence, paragraphs and texts. Good reading texts can introduce interesting topic, stimulate discussion, excite imagination responses and be the springboard for well-rounded, fascinating lesson. So reading is very useful for human being (student) and others purpose:  any exposure to English (provided students understand it more or less) is a good thing for language students.
3.5 Purpose
1.      The institutional objective
The students of senior high school can retell the story on their own words well and understand about the characters, the characteristics and message value.
2.      The instructional objective
The students are supposed to be able:
a.       to find out the character and characteristics of the short story
b.      to retell the story of the short story
c.       to mention the massage (moral value) of the short story
3.      Teaching method
·         Reading the shot story
·         CTL
4.      Teaching media
·         Short story
·         dictionary
5.      Activities
·         Reading, analyzing and discussion
·         Presentation about the result of discussion
·         Question and answer about result of discussion

4.1 opening
Here, the teacher comes to the class and pries together, then check students attending list. Before come to the main activities the teacher does pre-reading. It is used in order the students interest the lesson. The teacher can ask the students about reading.
4.2 main activities
·        In the main activities, the teacher asks the students to make a group which is consist of 4 students. Then, the students seat in a circle with their group.
·        The teacher asks the students to read, analyze and discuss about the short story. The teacher only monitoring and help them while have the difficult or confuse about the instruction. It gives time only 30 minutes.
·           When the time is over, the students have already to present about the result of their discussion. Every group has to present their result in 2 minutes.
·        After all the groups finish presentation, the teacher opens the question and answer session for all each group. They may to compare and give critic or disagree with another group. However they may to hold on their opinion. Every group only has 5 minutes to question and answer.
Here, the teacher asks the students to submit the result of the discussion. In addition, when the question and answer session was not finish it will continue in the next meeting.
4.4 teaching method
The writer choose using CTL (contextual Teaching and Learning) because the students most independent. They do not to depend on the teacher. Here the teacher only gives instruction and monitoring.
The explanation about the material (Characters, the characteristic and the message) did in the meeting before.
4.5teahing material
From the short story, the students have to discuss and find about the characters and characteristics and also the message from the short story.
3.6 teaching media
The teacher uses short story as the source of material. The short story was printed and gives to the students in papers. The students may use their dictionary if they get difficultie


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